Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials in Washington, MO

Unlike many other doctors you may visit for your eyes, our practice does far more than just help locals with their eye health. For over 20 years, we have been an active participant in clinical trials that are not just helping one person at a time, but making progress for the entire field of optical health. Dr. Michael S. Korenfeld, our leader and board-certified ophthalmologist, has been performing clinical trials for decades and achieving great things in the process. He has been the Principal Investigator for over 130 FDA approved clinical trials for both pharmaceuticals and ophthalmic devices, many of which are used in the industry universally today. Some of the trials he worked on ended up developing the majority of eye drops you can find at your local pharmacy today!
CONTACT US Study For Children Who Are Nearsighted

Current Clinical Trials

  • Dry Eyes
  • Glaucoma or High Eye Pressure
  • Cataract Surgery
  • Trouble Seeing Up Close After You Turn 40 Years Old
  • Children Who Are Near-Sighted (Myopic)
  • Inflammation of the Eye (Iritis/Uveitis)
  • Sjögren's syndrome

Should I Join a Clinical Trial?

Without people like you who are interested in furthering the world of medicine, even brilliant minds like Dr. Korenfeld can’t make progress. If you have any eye conditions such as dry eye, glaucoma or cataracts, chances are there is a clinical trial that could use your help. These trials provide people with study related medications at no cost and often compensate you for your time and travel as well. Participating can do great things for not only your health, but the health of millions across the world as the wealth of knowledge grows. If you are interested in becoming part of a clinical trial, even without one of the conditions listed, come in for an eye exam and we can let you know if you qualify.

Want to help the world of eye research by joining a clinical trial? Contact us today!

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